Friday, October 16, 2009

Life’s too long during this “Life’s too short”

I’ve got that archived list of things I have to do before I die filed away somewhere in my noggin, and I know that with each passing day, month and year, my day-to-days seem to just soak up my time. I wonder when I’m going to get to drive cross-country, see Alaska, Rail Europe, write a novel, run in a marathon, zigzag around the Canary Islands on a sailboat, oh yea and find world peace.
But doesn’t it seem like you are just watching the clock tick sometimes? There are so many days that just seem to drag on, they are like the longest days ever, sometimes because there was so much going on and so much to do, and sometimes because there simply wasn’t enough to do. Whichever the reason, our days really are long, life really is long, but what’s so short about it are the moments that arise when we have the chance to make a decision, make a choice, move a muscle, act on impulse, listen to your heart and not your head, and take the plunge! Get out of your routine and do the things you have waiting on your life’s to-do list, and stop watching the clock tick away.
I recently took one of those ridiculous self-evaluation quizzes, that I swore I would never waste my time on, at the back of the Oprah magazine… stop what you’re thinking, no I am not that domesticated… it was the only thing to read and I was stuck in the backseat of a car en route to Sedona for 2.5 hours. Anyway, I took this personality quiz based upon the things you do on impulse, the things you say and a bunch of other variables. I got this tight and neat summary that is supposed to explain why I am the way I am. It’s like believing in your horoscope, sure if you read it, you somehow find a way to live it, or at least pick out all the parts that remotely relate to you and then say “ah-ha” this is totally true! BS! Anyway, my Oprah diagnostics came back that I was to lead a life of impulsive and adventurous events and decisions, and if I stay in one place too long, or with one thing or person too long, it will stifle who I really am. Ok…I started mulling over it for a portion of my 2.5 hour drive to Sedona and wondered if any of it was true. According to what decisions I’ve made so far in my past 25 years-yep it’s pretty accurate. I’ve college-jumped, major-jumped, city-jumped, job-jumped, and everything else in between. I can’t figure out what makes me happy, or what can keep me in one place for too long.