Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Expiration Date

Expiration date? It’s a date on the lid of my Yoplait yogurt, it’s a date on the side of my milk carton, but did you ever image it to be a date on your dreams, a date on your life, a date to “use by the end of your life” or “sell by the time you are 30?”

I got this message tonight. I realized a goal I had set passed its expiration date, its expired, its lost. Can it be reinstated, can it be postponed, and can it just have a little more shelf life? It can’t, I’ve tried every which way to make it last, preserve it, refrigerate it, even give it some tender love and care!

Our dreams and hopes can’t help but be given expiration labels, times of purchase, times of sale, time of “it’s rotten, toss it in the trash,” but can we just postpone them, tuck them away, discontinue time and hope they’ll wait until we are ready for everything to align, for them to just pick back up with the original destine plan? I’m trying that now. Can I just freeze it?

I guess we all wish we could just freeze time, take back the purchase, take back the statement, take back when we opened it too soon, and take back the impulsive decisions.

I wish that today. Or I guess I do. But I had that craving to peel back the lid, see what was inside, destroy the shelf life, or at least test it’s expiration? Should we really put due dates on things, I mean I guess if they’re perishable, but aren’t our dreams and hopes just as perishable as Yoplait yogurt? I had this due date, to cut to the chase -December the first. I had this goal that was pre-planned, pre-dated with the package it was assigned. It was the expiration date. That date, or December the first, is nearing, and that shelf life is expiring, and the goal associated is so far from being met. So I guess my question is: Do I throw away the goal, the product, or do I postpone the date, postpone the shelf life, and perhaps take and see how long it will last, do I freeze it, and can I?

Can we postpone our dreams and goals; can we just hope that they’ll work out tomorrow, that they’ll last until tomorrow? This particular goal of mine, am I just setting myself up for salmonella?